Gang Stalking is a controversial phenomenon in which individuals report being subjected to ongoing harassment and surveillance by organized groups. These individuals, referred to as Targeted Individuals (TIs), claim to experience a relentless campaign aimed at undermining their lives and well-being. In this article, we will delve into the details of gang stalking, its origins,… Continue reading Gang Stalking: Unraveling the Phenomenon of Covert Harassment and Surveillance
Tag: Covert Harassment
Who Are Targeted Individuals and Why They Are Tortured
In recent years, the term “Targeted Individuals” has gained attention, referring to individuals who claim to be victims of covert harassment and surveillance. These self-identified targeted individuals (TIs) report experiencing a wide range of torture, including electronic harassment, gang stalking, and mind control. While this topic remains highly controversial and lacks scientific consensus, it is… Continue reading Who Are Targeted Individuals and Why They Are Tortured