At the Bitcoin 2022 Conference, Nick Szabo explored the pioneers and influences behind the ideas that shaped Bitcoin’s creation. He highlights the dreams of de-politicizing money and non-violently enforcing contracts, which were influenced by the gold sculpture in cyberspace concept from Iranian scientists Iranshahi and May, and the long-standing ideas in Austrian economics. Key technologies… Continue reading Nick Szabo on Pioneers and Influences that Shaped Bitcoin’s Creation
Tag: Fiat Currency
Bitcoin Explained In Simple Terms by Jack Mallers – Founder of Strike
In the YouTube video titled “Jack Mallers Explains What Bitcoin Is In Simple Terms,” Jack Mallers – the founder and CEO of Zap and Strike (apps that enable fast and easy transactions over Bitcoin’s Lightning Network), ELI5 (Explains Like I’m 5) the concept of money as an abstracted form of time and energy, and the… Continue reading Bitcoin Explained In Simple Terms by Jack Mallers – Founder of Strike
World’s Largest Central Banks Are Taking Emergency Action to Save US Dollar
Oh great news! The central banks have agreed to ramp up their “swap lines” so they can provide even more US dollars to global markets. And, to make it even more exciting, they’re going to increase the frequency of 7-day operations…to DAILY! Woohoo! Get ready for more liquidity backstops and easing of funding market strains.… Continue reading World’s Largest Central Banks Are Taking Emergency Action to Save US Dollar
Bitcoin Pacman Eating Fiat Money
The image of a Bitcoin pacman devouring the symbols of the world’s largest currencies is a powerful symbol of the growing dominance of cryptocurrencies over traditional fiat currencies. The image captures the essence of the battle that is currently being waged between these two forms of currency, with Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies gaining ground and… Continue reading Bitcoin Pacman Eating Fiat Money