The Money Masters – 1996 Documentary Explaining How Bankers Conspired to Create Federal Reserve

The Money Masters - 1996 Documentary Explaining How Bankers Conspired to Create Federal Reserve
The Money Masters - 1996 Documentary Explaining How Bankers Conspired to Create Federal Reserve

In the 1996 documentary titled “The Money Masters“, the history of the banking system is discussed with a focus on the role of debt, private central banks, and the power they wield. The video explains how the Federal Reserve operates outside of Congress’ control, manipulating the credit of the US for their benefit. The video advocates for the restoration of issuing power to the people, as historically supported by prominent figures such as Franklin, Jefferson, Jackson, Van Buren, and Lincoln.

The video also discusses the greedy practices of the money changers throughout history, including fractional reserve banking. It highlights different forms of money used throughout history, such as the Tally Stick system, Colonial scrip, and the establishment of privately owned central banks such as the Bank of North America and the Bank of the United States.

Additionally, the video delves into the wealth and power of the Rothschild family and their role in history, including financing wars and dominating all European banking and industrialization.

Finally, the video describes the role of financiers, patriotism (or lack thereof), and the defeat of the Bank of the United States. The video concludes with a call to action in reclaiming the power to issue the currency to the people, away from the central bank controlled by private interests.

Among other things, The Money Masters video covers the history of banking in America, from the influence of the Rothschild family on America’s banking system to the creation of the Federal Reserve System. The video delves into the struggle between President Andrew Jackson and the Second Bank of the United States, how the bankers manipulated politics and press to subvert Congress and the institution of a gold standard money system in the United States, and the fight for silver money.

It also discusses the secretive meeting between key figures in the banking industry in the United States to create the Federal Reserve Act, leading to the creation of a central bank with a monopoly over US currency, the power to create money out of nothing, and the use of electronic credits to purchase US bonds.

“The Money Masters” further highlights the corrupt banking system and how it has controlled America’s financial system throughout history. The video explores events such as the establishment of the Federal Reserve System, the rise of Hitler with financing from international bankers, the Great Depression, and the gradual transition to a world system of financial control controlled by central banks acting in concert and secret agreements at infrequent meetings and conferences. The video argues that this corrupt banking system is the root cause of the current economic problem and has led to the impoverishment and gradual enslavement of mankind to a few incredibly rich plutocrats.

In the final section, the video discusses the flaws in the debt money system used in America and proposes a monetary reform act to eliminate economic instability caused by the Federal Reserve and fractional reserve banking. The act involves decentralizing the power of international bankers by repealing the Federal Reserve Act and national Banking Act, and withdrawing from the IMF, BIS, and the World Bank. It suggests using a debt-free U.S notes to pay off the national debt and raising reserve requirements for banks to eliminate the need for fractional reserve banking and stabilize the money supply while lowering taxes.

The video warns of the dangers of wealth accumulation and despotic economic domination in the hands of a few and calls on people to educate their members of Congress on monetary reform. It cautions against solutions proposed by international bankers such as returning to a gold standard or implementing a regional or world currency, both of which would only benefit the elite and not the general population.


In this section of the video, the history of the debt-based banking system is discussed. The main point is that the American banking system has been debt-based since 1864, which means that all of the country’s money is based on government debt. This is why paying off the national debt without reforming the banking system is impossible. The Federal Reserve is then presented as a private bank owned by private stockholders, not part of the United States government despite its name. Members of Congress have criticized the Fed over the years, but most don’t take any action, either due to a lack of understanding or fear of speaking out.


In this section, the video discusses the power of the Federal Reserve and how it operates outside of the control of Congress, manipulating the credit of the United States. Although it is not technically a part of the federal government, the Federal Reserve is more powerful than the federal government, including the president, Congress, and the courts. The Federal Reserve determines the average person’s car payment, house payment, and even job stability, proving its total control. The video emphasizes that the battle for control over who gets to print America’s money has been pivotal throughout the history of the United States and has gone back and forth between Congress and privately owned central banks. The solution, according to the video, is for the issuing power to be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs, as the founding fathers intended.


In this section, it is explained that issuing our own money is not a radical solution- in fact, it is historically supported by Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, Andrew Jackson, Martin Van Buren, and Abraham Lincoln. In 1913, Congress gave monopoly over issuing America’s money to the Federal Reserve, a quasi-private corporation whose debt is killing the American economy. The money-changing scam started 200 years before Christ’s era. The Jews could only pay with a special coin, the half shackle of the sanctuary, and the money changers had cornered the market on them. Rome was also subject to the power of the money changers, with usury and debased coin becoming the norm and the quality of life suffered. Medieval England was also manipulated by money changers, who started cheating the system; they discovered that they could print more money than they had gold, and usually no one would be the wiser.


In this section, the video explains how the practice of fractional reserve banking was born. Goldsmiths realized they could loan out many times more money than they had in assets and draw interest payments on it without anyone noticing the deception. This fraudulent practice resulted in goldsmiths accumulating more and more wealth and gold. Today, banks in the US are allowed to loan out at least 10 times more money than they actually have on deposit. This results in banks becoming rich by charging high interest rates. However, during the Middle Ages, the Catholic Church forbade charging interest on loans as it was considered hindering the purpose of money. Despite the ban being lifted, all moralists irrespective of their religions denounced fraud and injustice. The ancient goldsmiths employed the strategy of fluctuating between easy and tight money to make extra profits. The practice still continues today, with this strategy being referred to as the business cycle.


In this section, the video discusses the origins of money and how different forms of money have been used throughout history. The video focuses on the Tally Stick system in England which was used for over 500 years and worked well because there was a built-in demand for it due to the fact that it was used to pay the King’s taxes. The video then moves on to discuss how usury laws were relaxed by King Henry VIII in the 1500s, allowing the money changers to hoard gold and silver coins. Queen Elizabeth I took control over English money by issuing gold and silver coins from the public Treasury and taking the control over the money supply away from the money changers. However, the money changers consolidated their financial power and financed costly wars for the next 50 years, leading to financial ruin. The government begged for the loans necessary to pursue their political purposes, resulting in the creation of the Bank of England, which was the modern world’s first privately owned Central Bank.


In this section, the video discusses how private central banks control a nation’s economy and can lead to a plutocracy run by the wealthy. The central bank is essentially a hidden tax, and the government sells bonds to the bank to pay for things it doesn’t have the political will to raise taxes for. The Rothschild family, said to be the wealthiest in the world, used their skills in money creation to loan to governments and kings, which was more profitable than loaning to private individuals. Mayor Rothschild had five sons who were trained in money creation and sent out to major European capitals to open branch offices of the family banking business. They later played a central role in European financial history and that of the United States.


In this section, we learn about the wealth and power of the Rothschild family in the 19th century. Initially, the Rothschilds profited off of William of Hess Cassell’s fortunes by buying government bonds in the British government. However, the Rothschilds became wealthy entrepreneurs themselves, dominating all European banking and financing industrialists such as the Harrimans, Vanderbilts, and Carnegie. The Rothschilds were considered the wealthiest family in the world and financed Cecil Rhodes’ establishment of a monopoly over the diamond and gold fields of South Africa. Even after World War I, JP Morgan was believed to be the richest man in America, but his will revealed that he was only a subordinate of the Rothschilds. Their wealth and power seemingly remain today, and we can see their influence in the Bank of England’s hold over the British Empire and the events that eventually led to the American Revolution.


In this section, we learn about the success of Colonial scrip in providing a reliable medium of exchange as well as a feeling of unity between the colonies. Franklin attributed the newfound prosperity of the colonies to colonial script, which was just paper money that was debt-free, printed in the public interest, and not backed by gold or silver coin, a totally fiat currency. However, England’s Bank officials were threatened by the colonies’ prosperity and asked Franklin how he would account for it. They then hurriedly passed the Currency Act of 1764, which prohibited Colonial officials from issuing their own money and ordered them to pay all future taxes in gold or silver coins, forcing the colonies onto the gold or silver standard. As a result, the colonies fell into depression, causing unemployment and dissatisfaction, which Franklin stated was a basic cause of the American Revolution.


In this section, the video describes the establishment of the Bank of North America in 1781, a privately-owned central bank that practiced fractional reserve banking, which enabled them to lend out money it didn’t have and charge interest on it. The bank was given a monopoly over the national currency, and the value of American currency began to plummet. Even though the bank’s charter was not renewed in 1785, six years later, Alexander Hamilton and Robert Morris convinced Congress to allow the establishment of a new privately-owned central bank, The First Bank of the United States. During the debate, Governor Morris castigated the motivations of the owners of the Bank of North America and warned of the dangers of allowing the rich to establish their dominion and enslave the rest. Despite opposition from some founding fathers, Congress was convinced not to give them the power to issue paper money since the money changers could not stand to have America printing its own money again.


In this section, the video discusses how in 1790, just three years after the Constitution was signed, Alexander Hamilton proposed a bill to Congress calling for a new privately owned Central Bank, the Bank of the United States (BUS). Although the government put up most of the cash to get this private bank going, the bankers loaned the money to each other to buy the remaining stock in the bank. The BUS had a monopoly on printing U.S currency, and the stockholders never paid the full amount for their shares. Over the first five years, the U.S government borrowed 8.2 million dollars from the BUS, but the prices rose by 72 percent in the same period, leaving Jefferson frustrated and unable to stop it as he served as the new secretary of state.


In this section, the video discusses the role of financiers and the lack of patriotism and decency among them. It also delves into the defeat of Napoleon and the rise of the Bank of England, which financed every nation in his path. The video highlights the role of Nathan Rothschild, who personally took charge of a plan to smuggle a shipment of gold through France to finance an attack by the Duke of Wellington from Spain. The defeat of Napoleon led to the emergence of the Rothschilds’ control over the British stock market, demonstrating their ingenuity and power. The section ends with the defeat of the Bank of the United States and the outbreak of the War of 1812.


In this section of the video, the narrator describes how wars have become the biggest debt generator of all time, with privately controlled central banks financing both sides of the war. This was demonstrated in the Battle of Waterloo, where Rothschild used the opportunity to seize control of the British stock and bond market, and potentially even the Bank of England. Rothschild stationed his agent, Rothworth, on the north side of the battlefield to deliver news of the result to Nathan Rothschild. With a legendary communications network, Rothschild quickly used the news to become the dominant force in both the bond market and the Bank of England. By the mid-1800s, the Rothschilds were the wealthiest family in the world, controlling scores of industrial, commercial, mining, and tourist enterprises. Despite their enormous wealth, the family has mainly cultivated an appearance of invisibility.


In this section, the video discusses the influence of the Rothschild family on banking in America. In 1816, just one year after the Battle of Waterloo and the alleged takeover of the Bank of England by the Rothschilds, the American Congress passed a bill permitting the Second Bank of the United States. The U.S. government would own 20% of the bank’s shares, and the remaining 80% of shares were sold to private investors, with the primary stockholders remaining a secret. Critics claimed that the Rothschilds had taken control over the Bank of England and backed a new privately owned central bank in America as well. After twelve years of manipulations of the U.S. economy on the part of the Second Bank of the U.S, Andrew Jackson was nominated to run for president and was swept into office in 1828. Jackson was determined to kill the bank, and in 1832, when the bank’s charter came up for renewal, he vetoed the bill because the bank was not in the best interest of American citizens.


In this section, we see the continuation of the battle between President Jackson and the Second Bank of the United States, as Jackson ordered the removal of government deposits from the bank and placed them into state banks. The bank fought back by using its influence to reject Jackson’s appointment of William J Duane and threatened to cause a depression if not recharted. In a rare show of honesty, Biddle admitted that the bank would contract the money supply to force Congress to restore it. This action caused a financial panic and deep depression, with Biddle blaming Jackson for the crash. Congress censured Jackson, and his fate as president rested on whether they would override his veto. However, with the governor of Pennsylvania’s support and Biddle’s public boasting about the bank’s plan to crash the economy, the tide shifted, and the House voted against recharging the bank.


In this section, we learn about how President Jackson paid off the national debt back in 1835 and how his determination to kill the bank was so successful it took the money changers 77 years to undo the damage. While Jackson did kill the Central Bank, the fractional Reserve banking remained in use by the many State chartered Banks, which fueled economic instability. The money changers struggled to regain their lost centralized power until they resorted to war to create debt and dependency. The American Civil War was not only about slavery, but it was also about many factors at play. The money-changers experienced failure then and wanted to regain control.


In this section, it is explained that the high financial powers of Europe wanted to divide and conquer the United States, fearing that if they remained one block, they would attain economic and financial independence that would upset their financial domination over the world. To ensure this, within months after the first shots at Fort Sumter, the central bankers loaned Napoleon III of France 210 million francs to seize Mexico, making the U.S. heavily indebted to the money changers. Although Lincoln initially applied for loans, he refused to accept the high interest rates demanded, and instead began printing legal tender treasury notes which he used to pay the troops and buy supplies. Lincoln understood that by creating money and issuing currency needed to satisfy the spending power of the government and consumers, taxpayers would save money, and interest money would cease to be mastered and become the servant of humanity. This stance didn’t sit well with the Central Bankers, who were quoted in a London Times editorial to consider it a mischievous Financial policy.


In this section, the video discusses the aftermath of the U.S. Civil War, wherein Lincoln allowed bankers to introduce the National Bank Act, granting them exclusive power to create banknotes. The U.S. money supply would be created out of debt through this system, and paying off debt would destroy the money supply. Lincoln’s Secretary of Treasury, Salman P. Chase, later lamented his role in passing this act, calling it the “greatest financial mistake” of his life. Lincoln was re-elected, and it is suggested that had he lived, he would have eliminated the bankers’ money monopoly. However, he was assassinated and allegations that international bankers were responsible for his assassination surfaced in Canada 70 years later.


In this section, the speaker discusses the assassination of Abraham Lincoln and how it was linked to the international bankers who feared Lincoln’s National Credit ambitions and policy of issuing Greenback currency instead of a gold standard. The speaker explains that the bankers wanted to establish a Central Bank in America, and with Lincoln out of the way, they could proceed with their plan to set up a gold standard money system in the United States. Despite deliberate attacks on greenbacks by European Central Bankers, they continued to circulate in the US until a few years ago. The speaker notes that the concept of America printing its own debt-free money sent shockwaves throughout the European Central Banking Elite, and they may have killed Lincoln, but support for his monetary ideas grew.


In this section, we learn about the monetary contractions that occurred in America after the Civil War, caused by the bankers who wanted centralized control of the money supply and a currency backed by gold. The bankers’ strategy was to cause a series of panics and remove so much money from the system that Americans would either not care or be too weak to resist. Bank loans were called in, and no new ones were given while silver coins were melted down. Congress passed the Coinage Act of 1873, which abruptly stopped the minting of silver dollars, and only gold coins remained. The deliberate money contraction was compared to the fall of the Roman Empire, where decreasing money and falling prices led to a disaster that caused civilization to languish and finally perish.


In this section of the transcript, the video explains how the bankers, who had regained control after the Civil War, manipulated politics and the press to subvert Congress and prevent the return of greenbacks. The bankers used their influence to control legislation, spread disinformation through newspapers, and perpetuate economic cycles that allowed them to buy up homes and farms for pennies on the dollar. An infamous memo from the American Bankers Association called for creating a depression on a specified date in the future so they could demand money and foreclose on mortgages, allowing them to take possession of farms at their price. Despite political pressure for a return to government-issued currency, it wasn’t until 1878 that Congress passed the Sherman Law allowing a limited number of silver dollars to be minted.


In this section, the video discusses the fight for silver money and the famous speech given by William Jennings Bryan at the Democratic National Convention in 1896, which pushed for the reinstatement of silver money. Bryan lost the election to Republican candidate William McKinley, who was heavily supported by bankers favoring the gold standard. However, Bryan’s efforts delayed the money changers for 17 years from achieving their goal of establishing a new, privately owned central bank for America. Men like JP Morgan, who was believed to be an agent for the Rothschilds, led the charge for a new central bank. The video also highlights how President Theodore Roosevelt allegedly used the Sherman Antitrust Act to try to break up industrial monopolies, but did little to affect the growing monopolization of American industry by bankers and their surrogates.


In this section, it is discussed how in 1907, JP Morgan and his friends were able to crash the stock market and cause bank runs across the nation. Morgan was able to offer to prop up the faltering American economy by supporting failing banks with money he manufactured out of nothing, which Congress allowed him to do. Morgan manufactured $200 million worth of this completely reserveless private money, bought things with it, paid for services with it, and sent some of it to his branch banks to lend out at interest. While this plan worked and the public regained confidence, banking power was further consolidated into the hands of a few large banks and led to the creation of the Federal Reserve System. However, some argue that the Panic of 1907 was just a scam by the money trust to acquire more power and spread fear for changes in the banking and currency laws.


In this section, the secretive nature of the meeting between key figures in banking in the United States is revealed. These seven key participants, including individuals from families like the Rockefellers and Rothschilds, met at Jekyll Island to discuss how to bring back a privately-owned central bank and how to address other banking problems, such as the shrinking market share of large national banks and increasing independence of American industry from money changers. The biggest problem these key figures faced was a public relations issue of what to call the newly proposed central bank; some wanted to avoid using the word “bank” in the name altogether. The resulting Federal Reserve Act created a central bank that had a monopoly over US currency, was given the right to create money out of nothing, and used electronic credits to purchase US bonds.


In this section, it is explained how banks use deposits as reserves to loan out over 10 times the amount of their reserves to new borrowers all at interest. This meant that a Fed purchase of $1,000,000 worth of bonds gets turned into over $10,000,000 in bank accounts. The Fed creates 10 percent of this new money while banks create the other 90 percent. Although the plan created a central bank with a high degree of independence from effective political control, the bankers’ subterfuge failed to work when it was identified as the Banker’s Bill, a bill to benefit only the money trust. Woodrow Wilson, who received what historian James Perloff called an indoctrination course leading him to support the bank, was elected. The damage President Andrew Jackson caused 76 years earlier had been only partly repaired. Since then, the battle against the money changers had raged on across the decades, with the Jacksonians becoming the Greenbackers, who then became the hardcore supporters of William Jennings Bryan.


In this section, the transcript discusses how the Wilson Administration, under the influence of Wall Street figures like Morgan, Warburg, and Baruch, broke their promise to the people that they would not establish a central bank in the United States. They established the Federal Reserve System, which was virtually identical to the Aldrich bill that was previously condemned. The bill granted private control of currency and robbed the government and the people of effective control over the public’s money, allowing the big banks to influence the outcome of the legislative process. Additionally, the legalizing of income tax ensured that the interest on the virtually unlimited federal debt created by the privately owned central bank would be repaid through direct taxation of the people.


In this section, we learn that income tax law became unconstitutional in 1909 and Senator Aldrich tried to push the bill for a constitutional amendment to allow for an income tax bill to be passed. Although this amendment was proposed and sent to state legislatures for approval, some critics claim that it was never ratified by the necessary three-quarters of the states required, meaning the amendment may not be legal. However, the money changers were not interested in debating the fine points and the income tax bill was pushed through with the Federal Reserve bill, which allowed for America to be driven into debt. Congressman Lindbergh and Congressman Lewis McFadden were critics of the Federal Reserve Act, with the latter describing the act as bringing about a super state controlled by international bankers and industrialists. Interestingly, even President Wilson began to have concerns over what had been unleashed during his first term in office.


In this section of “The Money Masters” documentary, the transcript highlights how the money changers, who profit by manipulating the amount of money in circulation, had their privately owned central bank installed again in America in 1913 through the Federal Reserve Act. The document also reveals how wars create debts, and the central bankers were primarily concerned with profit potential rather than the political issues of war. The transcript alleges that some of the wealthiest people financially backed communism to consolidate and control the wealth, and they were willing to inspire the power-hungry political conspirators who wanted to overthrow all existing governments and establish central worldwide rule to achieve their goal of controlling the wealth of the whole world.


In this section, the video explores how the Wall Street London axis attempted to control revolutionary communist groups by funding them and then withdrawing funding or even financing their opposition if necessary. Lenin, the absolute dictator of the new Soviet Union, began to understand that he was not pulling the financial strings and someone else was silently in control. The international bankers, represented by Lewis T McFadden, chairman of the house Banking and Currency committee, had a motive of advancing totalitarian governments with the financial clout to control whatever politician might emerge as the leader. Their ultimate goal was world government, as the League of Nations proposal made clear at the Paris peace conference after World War One. Even though it was ratified by many nations, the US Congress failed to ratify it, ultimately leading to its demise.


In this section, the video covers the era of Warren Harding, whose presidency marked the start of a 12-year Republican run in the White House, known as The Roaring Twenties. The country’s debt, which had increased tenfold after World War I, was drastically reduced during Harding’s and Calvin Coolidge’s time in office. However, the money changers of the time began to flood the country with money, increasing the money supply by 62%, leading to a period of prosperity. Former President Teddy Roosevelt had warned the American people about the invisible government, which he called an octopus that controlled city, state and nation. He cautioned against a few powerful banking houses, commonly known as international bankers, and the Rockefeller Standard Oil interests, who control the majority of newspapers and hold a lot of power over political bodies.


In this section of the video, it is explained that in the 1920s, despite strong warnings about the dangers of a rising market fueled by bank loans, prosperity reigned and businesses expanded on credit speculation. However, all this prosperity was a façade, as everything was built on credit rather than solid financial foundations. In 1929, just before the market crash, Wall Street giants like Rockefeller, JP Morgan, and Bernard Baruch put all their assets in cash or gold, signaling the impending crisis. The Federal Reserve then tightened money, which contributed to the Great Depression, causing the money supply to decrease by 33 percent. The crash was not accidental, and conspiracies claim that it was a carefully contrived occurrence orchestrated by the international bankers to become the rulers of America. Even today, top economists like Milton Friedman acknowledge that the Federal Reserve caused the Great Depression, and most of the money that Americans lost during the Great Depression was merely redistributed into the hands of those who had gotten out before the crash.


In this section, the video describes how America’s money went overseas to rebuild Germany, which helped finance Hitler’s rise to power. Representative Lewis McFadden warned Congress that the international German bankers had control of Germany’s industries, soil, production, and public utilities. The Federal Reserve board pumped over 30 billion dollars of American money into Germany, leading to the development of Germany’s modernistic dwellings, planetariums, gymnasiums, swimming pools, fine public highways, and perfect factories. Franklin D. Roosevelt was swept into office, and while at first, he railed against the money changers, he eventually closed all banks and outlawed private ownership of gold bullion and coins, leading to a massive confiscation where those who didn’t comply risked prison time and steep fines. Roosevelt convinced the public to give up their gold to pool the nation’s resources, and a new bullion depository was constructed to hold the illicitly confiscated gold.


In this section, the video discusses how the government, in the 1930s, raised the official price of gold but only allowed foreigners to sell their gold at the new higher price. This allowed the money changers to sell gold they had bought at $20.66 an ounce for nearly double the price. The video also explores the security surrounding the Fort Knox bullion depository and how, after being filled with gold, much of the gold has gone missing and the treasury has persistently refused to conduct a reliable audit. Additionally, the video highlights the exponential increase in global debt after World War II and how the central bankers used this to bring about their three-step plan for global domination, which is now nearing completion with central banks and the International Monetary Fund controlling two-thirds of the world’s gold supply and the ability to manipulate the gold market.


In this section, it is revealed that over the years, America’s gold in Fort Knox was sold off to European money changers at a low price, with the last of the pure gold being secretly removed from Fort Knox by 1971 and sent back to London. The removal of the gold coincided with President Nixon closing the gold window and repealing Roosevelt’s gold Reserve Act of 1934, allowing Americans to once again legally buy gold. It is suggested that the largest fortune in the history of the world had been stolen from Fort Knox, and Ian Fleming’s James Bond series may have been a warning about such an operation. Ed Darrell, a wealthy Ohio industrialist, spent years trying to find out how much gold was really left in Fort Knox and where the rest had gone, but unfortunately never accomplished his primary goal of a full audit of the gold reserves. The government’s fear of the truth about the gold reserves is said to be the reason why they have not conducted a well-publicized audit, and President Reagan’s gold commission was appointed to study the feasibility of returning to a gold standard to curb government spending.


In this section, the video discusses how the international bankers devised a plan to consolidate their power and create a world system of financial control controlled by central banks acting in concert and secret agreements at infrequent meetings and conferences. Under the guise of peacemaking after World War I, the bankers pushed for a proposal for world government consisting of a world central bank, a world judiciary, and a world executive and legislature. Despite intense pressure from international bankers, a handful of US senators, led by Senator Henry Cabot Lodge, kept the US out of these schemes, which led to the doomed fate of the League of Nations. However, the US eventually joined these international organizations after World War II under full participation.


In this section, it is discussed how new organizations have created a banking cartel composed of world central banks that gradually assumed the power to dictate credit policies to the banks of all nations. The IMF has been given authority to issue a fiat money called special drawing rights, or SDRs. SDRs are already partially backed by gold and with two-thirds of world gold now in the hands of central banks, the money changers can structure the world’s economic future in whichever way they deem most profitable. Additionally, the BIS, IMF, and World Bank control the money supply for the world. Regulations put into effect in 1988 by the BIS required the world’s bankers to raise their capital and reserves to eight percent of liabilities by 1992, putting an upper limit to fractional reserve lending similar to the way cash reserve requirements do. This regulation meant banks cannot loan more money to buy more time before the next depression, and nations with the lowest bank reserves in their systems have already felt the terrible effects of this credit contraction as their banks scrambled to raise money to increase their reserves to eight percent.


In this section, the video describes how nations become subservient to a world central bank controlled by a handful of the world’s richest bankers, and how the International Monetary Fund (IMF) creates more and more Special Drawing Rights (SDRs) which are used by nations to pay the interest on their mounting debts. The video argues that this leads to a steady transfer of wealth from debtor nations to central banks controlled by the IMF and the World Bank, resulting in the impoverishment and gradual enslavement of mankind to a few incredibly rich plutocrats. The video argues that the problem is far bigger than focusing on individuals or families, and that the corrupt banking system is the root cause of the current economic problem.


In this section of the video, it is explained that the problem of the debt money system used in America is beyond political right and left. The money changers profit from both communism and socialism, as well as monopoly capitalism. This means that they profit from both the big government welfare state favored by the left, and the neoconservative laissez-faire capitalists who want no government intervention favored by the right. The Federal Reserve System is a quasi-governmental agency, but it is designed and controlled by private bankers who operate independently of the government. Although some argue that the FED promotes monetary stability, the FED’s record of stabilizing the economy shows it to be a miserable failure in this regard. The system gives too much power and discretion to a few men, and it is a bad system for believers in freedom. The economy has suffered three major economic downturns caused by the FED within the first 25 years of its existence, which includes the Great Depression. As a result, monetary reform is the most important political issue facing America today.


In this section, it is explained how the Federal Reserve creates new money through a system of fractional reserve banking where banks can generate deposits by making new loans. This system creates over 90% of money and inflation in the country. However, a reform plan that pays off the national debt with debt-free U.S notes, similar to what Lincoln did, and raises reserve requirements for banks, could eliminate the need for fractional reserve banking and the Federal Reserve altogether. This plan would stabilize the money supply and avoid inflation while lowering taxes for the average person. Full details of the proposed Monetary Reform Act are available at the end of the video.


In this section, a monetary reform act is proposed as a solution to guarantee stable prices and eliminate economic instability caused by the Federal Reserve and fractional Reserve banking. The act consists of four steps, which include decentralizing the power of international bankers by repealing the Federal Reserve Act and national Banking Act and withdrawing from the IMF, the BIS, and the World Bank. The Treasury Department would regulate the money supply based on population growth and the price level index, ensuring a steady growth of roughly 3 percent per year resulting in stable prices. The process would be open and honest, with no discretion, except in time of declared war. The proposed act is not a radical solution, as it has been used in different times throughout Europe and advocated by presidents Jefferson, Madison, Jackson, Van Buren, and Lincoln. The Guernsey Island is presented as an example of how well a debt-free money system can work.


In this section, the video discusses the need for reform in the banking system. The video advocates for holding Congress responsible in authorizing the issuance of debt-free money U.S notes, and to reform the banking laws to abolish the fractional Reserve banking system. The current system increases the national debt, and Congressional spending excesses are turned into more debt bonds, causing significant inflation. The video argues that bankers will resist these reforms, as it would lessen their control over the economy. However, the video suggests that only by breaking the power of international bankers over the economy through the abolition of the fed and fractional Reserve banking system can significant reform be made.


In this section, the video explains that the American middle class is at risk of being wiped out due to declining wages, foreclosures, and the loss of jobs being sent overseas. The consolidation of wealth in the hands of a few is a source of concern, and if no reforms are made to the monetary system, the middle class will become extinct, leaving only the very rich and poor. The video warns of the dangers of the increasing power of the money changers and the need for education about how our money is manipulated and the need for reforms. The video highlights warnings from religious leaders, congressmen, presidents, and economists about the dangers of wealth accumulation and despotic economic domination in the hands of a few.


In this section, the speaker warns against solutions proposed by international bankers, such as returning to a gold standard or implementing a regional or world currency, both of which would only benefit the elite and not the general population. The speaker calls on people to educate their members of Congress on monetary reform and to not be driven by selfishness or greed. They urge people to remember the importance of greater things and not lose sight of their own souls.

Odysee Video

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