Barbie Movie Review by Ben Shapiro

Barbie Movie Review by Ben Shapiro

In this 43 minutes long video, Ben Shapiro reviews the Barbie movie and delivers a scathing assessment. He criticizes the lack of jokes, coherent plot, and logical coherence in the film. Shapiro questions the intended audience and attributes positive reviews to the film’s politics rather than its quality. He also critiques the film’s portrayal of… Continue reading Barbie Movie Review by Ben Shapiro

Wokefishing – What It Is and How to Spot a Wokefisher

Wokefishing - What It Is and How to Spot a Wokefisher

The video discusses the concept of “wokefishing,” where individuals pretend to hold progressive beliefs to attract potential romantic partners. The speaker provides various red flags to watch out for, such as someone claiming feminist or anti-racist beliefs but expressing non-feminist or racist views. The video suggests having open and honest conversations with people to determine… Continue reading Wokefishing – What It Is and How to Spot a Wokefisher

The Bernays Dynasty: From Freud’s Mistress to the Father of Public Relations

Edward Bernays - Father of Propaganda

The Bernays Dynasty is a fascinating family whose influence can be felt across various fields, from literature to public relations, politics, and feminism. The dynasty’s origins can be traced back to Rabbi Bir Neustedtel, or Baer Lazar, who lived in the German state of Hesse. His sons, Isaac and Jacob Bernays, founded influential dynasties in… Continue reading The Bernays Dynasty: From Freud’s Mistress to the Father of Public Relations