Created by by John Hankey, this John F. Kennedy Jr. assassination documentary explores various theories surrounding his untimely death, including the possibility that it was orchestrated by those responsible for the assassination of his father and uncle. The video discusses the discrepancies in the timeline of JFK Jr.’s plane disappearance and the lies and deception… Continue reading John F. Kennedy Jr. Assassination Documentary by John Hankey
Tag: George Bush
JFK to 9/11 – Everything Is a Rich Man’s Trick
The documentary “Everything is a Rich Man’s Trick” explores the conspiracy theories surrounding the assassination of JFK, the role of secret societies in world events, and the involvement of American businessmen in funding and supporting the Nazi regime, including the use of slave labor. It also reveals the Mafia’s influence over Hollywood and politics, and… Continue reading JFK to 9/11 – Everything Is a Rich Man’s Trick