Nick Szabo on Pioneers and Influences that Shaped Bitcoin’s Creation

Nick Szabo on Pioneers and Influences that Shaped Bitcoin's Creation

At the Bitcoin 2022 Conference, Nick Szabo explored the pioneers and influences behind the ideas that shaped Bitcoin’s creation. He highlights the dreams of de-politicizing money and non-violently enforcing contracts, which were influenced by the gold sculpture in cyberspace concept from Iranian scientists Iranshahi and May, and the long-standing ideas in Austrian economics. Key technologies… Continue reading Nick Szabo on Pioneers and Influences that Shaped Bitcoin’s Creation

Australian Parliament Speech by the Honorable John Ruddick Which Got Deleted by YouTube

Australian Parliament Speech by the Honorable John Ruddick Which Got Deleted by YouTube

YouTube has made the decision to ban an Australian parliament speech, marking the first time in history that it has done so. The speech, given by the Honorable John Ruddick, criticizes the authoritarian measures taken by the state and federal liberal governments during the COVID-19 pandemic. Ruddick questions the need for lockdowns and mandatory vaccinations… Continue reading Australian Parliament Speech by the Honorable John Ruddick Which Got Deleted by YouTube