Documentary About How Jeffrey Epstein Struck Questionable Plea Deal with Alex Acosta

Documentary About How Jeffrey Epstein Struck Questionable Plea Deal with Alex Acosta

The YouTube video “How Jeffrey Epstein Got Away With It” explores the story behind Jeffrey Epstein’s examination, trial, and conviction for federal sex trafficking involving minors. The video highlights the questionable plea deal struck with Epstein by Alex Acosta, the Chief Federal Prosecutor for Southern Florida, and the implications it had on the justice system.… Continue reading Documentary About How Jeffrey Epstein Struck Questionable Plea Deal with Alex Acosta

On Company Business – Full 1980 Documentary on the CIA by Allan Francovich

On Company Business - Full 1980 Documentary on the CIA by Allan Francovich

On Company Business is a 1980 documentary on the CIA by the late Allan Francovich. The documentary is a comprehensive look at the role of the CIA in various covert operations during and after WWII. The video covers several topics, including the economic rationale behind the Marshall Plan, the agency’s involvement in supporting democratic forces… Continue reading On Company Business – Full 1980 Documentary on the CIA by Allan Francovich

Interview with Captain Dan Hanley – Airline Pilot and 9/11 Whistleblower

Interview with Captain Dan Hanley - Airline Pilot and 9/11 Whistleblower

Captain Dan Hanley, a former commercial airline pilot and aviation whistleblower, spoke on The Michael Decon Program about the corruption and safety concerns present in the airline industry, particularly in regards to the events of 9/11. Hanley founded the website 911 Pilot Whistleblowers to expose the fact that the 9/11 planes were remotely controlled, and… Continue reading Interview with Captain Dan Hanley – Airline Pilot and 9/11 Whistleblower

JFK to 9/11 – Everything Is a Rich Man’s Trick

JFK to 9/11 - Everything Is a Rich Man's Trick

The documentary “Everything is a Rich Man’s Trick” explores the conspiracy theories surrounding the assassination of JFK, the role of secret societies in world events, and the involvement of American businessmen in funding and supporting the Nazi regime, including the use of slave labor. It also reveals the Mafia’s influence over Hollywood and politics, and… Continue reading JFK to 9/11 – Everything Is a Rich Man’s Trick

Warren Commission Report on JFK

Warren Commission Report on JFK

With the video containing the interview with Lee Harvey Oswald’s mother, you are in for a treat to watch this! The video is a transcript of a news broadcast from CBS News on November 22, which was the day President John F. Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas, Texas. The broadcast covers the aftermath of the… Continue reading Warren Commission Report on JFK