Declassified FBI Files – LAPD Was Involved in Murders of Tupac Shakur and Biggie Smalls

Declassified FBI Files - LAPD Was Involved in Murders of Tupac Shakur and Biggie Smalls

Declassified FBI files on the unsolved murders of Tupac Shakur and Biggie Smalls reveal connections between the LAPD and the crimes. The investigation supported the findings of LAPD detective Russell Poole, who uncovered corrupt officers connected to the murders and accused the LAPD of a cover-up. The files suggest that US intelligence orchestrated the assassination… Continue reading Declassified FBI Files – LAPD Was Involved in Murders of Tupac Shakur and Biggie Smalls

Targeted Individual Talks About Use of Modern Direct Energy Weapons

Targeted Individual Talks About Use of Modern Direct Energy Weapons

This video is from 2019 National Targeted Individuals Day on the technical and methodological details behind modern directed energy weapons. In her speech, the targeted individual shares her experiences with stalking, harassment, and physical harm caused by a neighbor who is using direct energy weapons. The targeted individual encounters a Navy man who is laughing… Continue reading Targeted Individual Talks About Use of Modern Direct Energy Weapons

Interview with Captain Dan Hanley – Airline Pilot and 9/11 Whistleblower

Interview with Captain Dan Hanley - Airline Pilot and 9/11 Whistleblower

Captain Dan Hanley, a former commercial airline pilot and aviation whistleblower, spoke on The Michael Decon Program about the corruption and safety concerns present in the airline industry, particularly in regards to the events of 9/11. Hanley founded the website 911 Pilot Whistleblowers to expose the fact that the 9/11 planes were remotely controlled, and… Continue reading Interview with Captain Dan Hanley – Airline Pilot and 9/11 Whistleblower

Nordgrip Project in Greenland Makes It Hard to Take Climate Alarmists Seriously

Nordgrip Project in Greenland Makes It Hard to Take Climate Alarmists Seriously

Jørgen Peder Steffensen is a renowned professor who specializes in ice core research at the prestigious Niels Bohr Institute located at the University of Copenhagen, Denmark. His expertise lies in utilizing ice core dating to retrieve significant information regarding climate history. His dedicated team has meticulously reconstructed the climate changes of the last 10,000 years… Continue reading Nordgrip Project in Greenland Makes It Hard to Take Climate Alarmists Seriously

Geomagnetic Excursion Is Causing Pole Shift, May Lead to Disaster in Next 10 to 20 Years

Geomagnetic Excursion Is Causing Pole Shift, May Lead to Disaster in Next 10 to 20 Years

The video presents evidence for an ongoing geomagnetic excursion that is causing a pole shift and accelerating the fading of Earth’s magnetic field, which creates significant stress on the biosphere and may lead to extinctions of species. This magnetic shift coincides with past climate shifts and is expected to occur every 12,000 years due to… Continue reading Geomagnetic Excursion Is Causing Pole Shift, May Lead to Disaster in Next 10 to 20 Years

COINTELPRO – Secret FBI Program to Disrupt and Discredit Black Nationalist Organizations

COINTELPRO - Secret FBI Program to Disrupt and Discredit Black Nationalist Organizations

This video reflects on Counterintelligence Program’s (COINTELPRO), a secret FBI program that sought to disrupt and discredit freedom movements. The specific focus this video outlines the goals and tactics of COINTELPRO for disrupting and discrediting black nationalist organizations and their leaders in the United States, though blacks were far from the only ones targeted by… Continue reading COINTELPRO – Secret FBI Program to Disrupt and Discredit Black Nationalist Organizations

Report on US Border Invasion Funded by the Biden Administration

Report on US Border Invasion Funded by the Biden Administration

In a video discussing the US border invasion, Michael Yon joins Clayton and Natali Morris from Redacted to report on thousands of illegal migrants pouring into Texas, and the claim that Biden administration has funded operational camps throughout Latin America to bring migrants into the US. Lack of facilities at the migrant camps poses hygiene… Continue reading Report on US Border Invasion Funded by the Biden Administration

Dr. Robert Gilbert Explains the Importance and Symbolism of the Tree of Life

Dr. Robert Gilbert Explains the Importance and Symbolism of the Tree of Life

Dr. Robert Gilbert explains the importance and symbolism of the Tree of Life, as well as the three pillars within it, in relation to human beings and spiritual beings. He emphasizes the need for balance between the spiritual and physical worlds and explains how different types of spiritual beings can influence human beings. He warns… Continue reading Dr. Robert Gilbert Explains the Importance and Symbolism of the Tree of Life

Sarah Hardiman Discusses the New Hate Speech Law in Ireland

Sarah Hardiman Discusses the New Hate Speech Law in Ireland

Sarah Hardiman of Free Speech Ireland discusses the controversial new hate speech law in Ireland, which is recommend by the EU and could set a dangerous precedent for speech restrictions online. Hardiman notes that the law is overly broad and could potentially criminalize individuals for possessing material deemed hateful, even if they have no intention… Continue reading Sarah Hardiman Discusses the New Hate Speech Law in Ireland

Dating Coach Matthew Hussey Shares His Insights Into the Dating World

Dating Coach Matthew Hussey Shares His Insights Into the Dating World

In this YouTube video on Chris Williamson’s Modern Wisdom podcast, dating coach Matthew Hussey shares his insights into the dating world, highlighting the importance of vulnerability in relationships, the impact of social media on unrealistic expectations and entitlement, and the need to prioritize emotional intimacy and communication over superficial markers of success or attractiveness when… Continue reading Dating Coach Matthew Hussey Shares His Insights Into the Dating World