The video explores the power of suggestion, repetition, and conviction in achieving phenomenal results through the subconscious mind. With the right use of imagination, beliefs, and affirmations, individuals can become unstoppable in achieving their desires.
However, distractions and negative influences can scatter energies and affect one’s ability to remain positive. Claude M. Bristol emphasizes the importance of controlling thoughts and surrounding oneself with positivity to attain wealth and happiness independently of material possessions or surroundings.
The video urges the audience to create a mental picture of their desired selves and hold onto it until it becomes a reality.
In this section, the video, which is based on the teachings by Claude M. Bristol, discusses the power of suggestion and repetition in achieving phenomenal results through the subconscious mind. The repetition of affirmations and incantations leads to belief, which then becomes a deep conviction that results in things happening.
Claude M. Bristol presents how this power of suggestion was evident during the Depression years, where the repetition of negative statements about hard times and business failures led to a nationwide belief that prosperous days would never return. The use of charms and talismans also proves how people can breathe life into them and make them effective through their beliefs.
Claude M. Bristol emphasizes the importance of proper use of imagination, where one sees oneself doing something and then does it. However, this is difficult for the average person to do, given the constant distractions that affect our creative force and scatter our energies. Therefore, the video advises not to discuss one’s desires with others, which can scatter forces and lose the close connection with the subconscious mind.
In this section, Claude M. Bristol explains how people who consciously or unconsciously use their imagination and hold strong beliefs and convictions are great doers in action. Faith without action is dead, and the intensity of your thought will eventually be revealed. Much like planting seeds, the results of suggestions given to your subconscious mind are dependent on the original seed and the attention given to it.
A positive attitude and the proper aura will work wonders, but negative personalities can raise havoc and negatively affect others. The vibrations set up by others affect us more than we realize, and we take on the characteristics of those we associate with. To remain positive, we should avoid negative or pessimistic people and surround ourselves with riches to attain wealth. The power of the mind can give us dominion over the Earth and everything on it, but we need to constantly stoke the fire with ideas and action.
In this section of the video, Claude M. Bristol emphasizes on how our thoughts have immense power and how we need to control them to achieve happiness. He suggests that happiness is completely within ourselves and independent of material possessions or our surroundings. Claude M. Bristol cites examples of successful and powerful individuals who were able to change the course of their lives with a single thought.
He emphasizes that we all have the power of thought and need to use it to become the person we envisage in our imagination. The video ends with Claude M. Bristol urging the audience to create a mental picture of their newly conceived self and to continue to hold it until it becomes their reality.