The common belief that salt causes high blood pressure is debunked with scientific facts in this video as well. It explains that while a certain amount of salt is actually healthy for us, most people consume excessive amounts of salt, mainly through processed foods. It is not the salt itself that causes high blood pressure, but rather the unhealthy foods that have high salt content.
The confusion arises because doctors often advise patients to cut down on salt to lower their blood pressure. However, this recommendation is primarily aimed at reducing fluid volume in the blood vessels to alleviate high blood pressure symptoms. Salt, on the other hand, promotes water retention, leading to conflicting situations.
The video also mentions that different types of salt, such as unrefined Himalayan salt, can be healthier options due to their mineral content. It emphasizes the importance of salt for our body’s functioning and suggests replenishing lost salt through salt tabs or adding Himalayan salt to water during high physical activity.
Overall, if you are healthy and do not have high blood pressure, there is no need to fear salt, but if you have high blood pressure, you may want to consider how salt interacts with your medication and monitor its impact on your blood pressure levels.
The presenter also discusses the individualized effects of salt on blood pressure. He acknowledges that while some people may experience a significant increase in blood pressure after consuming salty food, others may not be affected at all. He emphasizes that it is the overall quality of the food consumed, rather than salt alone, that can contribute to high blood pressure.
The presenter also mentions that there are multiple causes of high blood pressure, which are primarily related to lifestyle choices.