This video delves into the history of water fluoridation and its connection to stained teeth.
In the early 1900s, Dr. Lawrence McKay noticed brown stains on the teeth of Colorado Springs residents, which were permanent and severe. He conducted research and found that the stains were prevalent in children waiting for their permanent teeth. McKay theorized that something in the water supply was causing the staining.
In 1923, McKay encountered similar reports in Oakley, Idaho, where the construction of a communal water pipeline resulted in stained teeth. McKay advised using a different water source, and the children’s teeth eventually became healthy again. McKay’s findings led him and Dr. Grover Kempf to investigate reports of stained teeth in Bauxite, Arkansas, where the town supported the Aluminum Company of America. These early discoveries set the stage for further exploration into water fluoridation.
Doctors McKay and Kempf investigated the disordered teeth of children in Bauxite, but found nothing peculiar in the water supply. However, H.V. Churchill, the chief chemist of an aluminum company, decided to test the water using a more sophisticated method and found high levels of fluoride. This discovery led to the conclusion that high levels of fluoride in water caused tooth discoloration, known as fluorosis.
While fluoride was known to be toxic, studies conducted by dentist H. Trendley Dean found that towns with higher natural fluoride levels had fewer cavities. However, the general consensus at the time was that fluoride was a poison.
In 1939, Gerald J. Cox, a researcher paid by an aluminum company, proposed mandatory water fluoridation. Extensive studies confirmed the inverse relationship between fluoride in water and tooth decay, but also revealed increased rates of dental fluorosis. The determination of fluoride levels was later proved wrong, as CDC analysis found that 40% of teens had some degree of dental fluorosis.
Dr. Weston A. Price observed that societies on traditional diets had fewer cavities compared to those on industrialized diets. The narrator mentions the rise in tooth brushing habits during and after World War II and highlights the pro-fluoridation stance adopted by the Public Health Service, which was under the jurisdiction of billionaire Andrew J. Mellon, the founder of the Aluminum Corporation of America.
The first purposely fluoridated water supply was implemented in Grand Rapids, Michigan, and after 15 years of study, a significant decline in dental cavities was observed. The transcript reveals the appointment of Oscar R. Ewing, who had a conflict of interest as he previously served as legal counsel for the Aluminum Corporation of America, and his collaboration with Edward Bernays, a pioneer in public relations. The passage concludes by mentioning the Newburgh and Kingston experiment, which showed a decrease in cavities in Newburgh but also higher rates of cancer and heart disease.
Cities in the US started fluoridating their water supply in the 1950s, with the government aiming for universal fluoridation. However, cases like the devastation of a Mohawk Indian reservation due to industrial pollution, mainly fluoride, brought attention to the harmful effects of fluoride.
In 1975, biochemists presented evidence of an increase in cancer rates in cities with fluoridated water, leading to a congressional hearing and subsequent animal studies that confirmed the link between fluoride and bone cancer. Despite these findings, a commission formed by the government disputed the evidence and recommended caution, but their recommendations were ignored. Epidemiological reports also showed a relationship between fluoride consumption and bone fractures, further raising concerns. Despite opposition, government officials continued to support universal water fluoridation without sufficient evidence of its safety.
The narrator mentions studies that have shown potential negative health effects, such as increased risk of hip fracture in the elderly and higher rates of dental decay in fluoridated areas. It also exposes the historical connection between fluoride and the aluminum and phosphate fertilizer industries, revealing that the fluoride in today’s water supply is a waste product. The transcript questions the lack of control over dosage in water fluoridation and argues that topical application of fluoride through toothpaste is sufficient for dental health. Overall, it raises doubts about the safety and effectiveness of water fluoridation.
The video then highlights how phosphate fertilizer companies turned hazardous gasses into a liquid known as hexafluorosilicic acid, which cannot be dumped into waterways but can be sold as a product. Public water suppliers buy this hazardous waste product from the fertilizer companies and dump it into drinking water without consent. Hexafluorosilicic acid contains trace amounts of lead, arsenic, mercury, and radioactive isotopes, which are harmful to human health even in minute quantities.
The video also suggests that fluoride may impact cognitive abilities and inhibit spirituality by calcifying and disrupting the pineal gland. It encourages viewers to take steps to prevent industrial waste from entering their bodies through options like buying glass-bottled spring water or using filtration systems that remove fluoride. Additionally, it emphasizes the importance of local activism to address water fluoridation and promises to discuss the various health problems fluoride can cause in the next video.