Christopher Bollyn Explains Israeli Connection to 9/11 and Fraudulent War on Terror

Christopher Bollyn Explains Israeli Connection to 9/11 and Fraudulent War on Terror

In this YouTube video Christopher Bollyn discusses the deception behind the 9/11 attacks and the subsequent war on terror. He argues that 9/11 was a hoax designed to initiate the war on terror, resulting in the loss of millions of lives and trillions of dollars. Bollyn emphasizes the need to expose this dual deception and… Continue reading Christopher Bollyn Explains Israeli Connection to 9/11 and Fraudulent War on Terror

In Plane Site – 9/11 Documentary with Pentagon Attack Questions

In Plane Site - 9/11 Documentary with Pentagon Attack Questions

We’ve got some serious evidence showing that a 757 didn’t actually hit the Pentagon on 9/11. We’ve got photos of a hole that’s not big enough for a plane and no wreckage to be seen anywhere. Plus, the roof of the Pentagon hadn’t even collapsed yet in some of these photos. But hey, don’t worry… Continue reading In Plane Site – 9/11 Documentary with Pentagon Attack Questions