This video exposes Israel’s deceptive claim that al-Shifa Hospital in Gaza was being used as a headquarters for Hamas, justifying an attack on the hospital. The evidence presented by Israel was weak, yet it was supported by the US administration and propagandists, resulting in the hospital being repeatedly attacked and left without power. The speaker… Continue reading Israel Lied That al-Shifa Hospital in Gaza Was Being Used as Hamas Headquarters
Tag: Video
How to Achieve Optimal Health and Performance – Tips from Founders of Analyze and Optimize
In this Q&A video, the founders of Analyze and Optimize cover a wide range of topics, including gut dysbiosis, thyroid health, supplementation, the effects of polyunsaturated fats, mental performance optimization, nootropics, methylene blue, kidney stones, convincing others about the negative effects of PUFA, vegetable oils and sugar from a historical perspective, fat loss on high-carb… Continue reading How to Achieve Optimal Health and Performance – Tips from Founders of Analyze and Optimize
History of Water Fluoridation and Its Harmful Effects
This video delves into the history of water fluoridation and its connection to stained teeth. In the early 1900s, Dr. Lawrence McKay noticed brown stains on the teeth of Colorado Springs residents, which were permanent and severe. He conducted research and found that the stains were prevalent in children waiting for their permanent teeth. McKay… Continue reading History of Water Fluoridation and Its Harmful Effects
Debunking the Common Belief That Salt Causes High Blood Pressure
The common belief that salt causes high blood pressure is debunked with scientific facts in this video as well. It explains that while a certain amount of salt is actually healthy for us, most people consume excessive amounts of salt, mainly through processed foods. It is not the salt itself that causes high blood pressure,… Continue reading Debunking the Common Belief That Salt Causes High Blood Pressure
The Myth That Salt Causes High Blood Pressure Debunked
This video debunks the myth driven by quakery that salt causes high blood pressure. The narrator argues that the idea is a fabrication and that there is no strong evidence to support it. The author criticizes a recent paper that recommends limiting salt intake, pointing out that some of the authors have personal biases towards… Continue reading The Myth That Salt Causes High Blood Pressure Debunked
Differences Between Sugar and Corn Syrup
This YouTube video discusses the differences between sugar and corn syrup. While table sugar is derived from sugar cane and consists of glucose and fructose, corn syrup is made from corn starch that is broken down into individual glucose molecules and partially converted into fructose. A 2010 analysis found that high fructose corn syrup contains… Continue reading Differences Between Sugar and Corn Syrup
Politicization, Censorship and Dismissal of Research on Fluoride Neurotoxicity
The video argues that water fluoridation has poisoned our brains, discussing the politicization, censorship, and dismissal of research on the neurotoxicity of fluoride. It explains how fluoride can accumulate in the brain, disrupt energy production, and induce degenerative changes, leading to diseases such as Alzheimer’s. The detrimental effects of fluoride on the thyroid gland, cognitive… Continue reading Politicization, Censorship and Dismissal of Research on Fluoride Neurotoxicity
Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche Expresses Concerns About Harmful Effects of Covid-19 Vaccines
In the YouTube video titled “Geert’s Concern about the New Covid Variant (JN.1),” Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche, a virologist with a background in molecular biology and immunology, expresses his concerns about the harmful effects of Covid-19 vaccines and the business model of the pharmaceutical industry. He warns of the potential dangers of focusing solely on… Continue reading Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche Expresses Concerns About Harmful Effects of Covid-19 Vaccines
Aleksandr Dugin Discusses Geopolitics, Religion and Conflicts in the Middle East
In this video, Aleksandr Dugin, mentor of Vladimir Putin, discusses the Palestine-Israel conflict within the framework of the shift from a unipolar to a multipolar global order. He argues that Israel serves as a proxy for Western hegemony and that understanding geopolitical power dynamics is crucial for understanding their actions and motivations. Dugin emphasizes the… Continue reading Aleksandr Dugin Discusses Geopolitics, Religion and Conflicts in the Middle East
Larken Rose on How Reality Has a Built-in Reward and Deterrent System
In the video titled “Your Own Damn Fault“, Larken Rose argues that reality has a built-in reward and deterrent system that is effective if the consequences are immediate and obvious. However, many people are not aware of this because the consequences of their actions are not immediate enough for them to recognize that it is… Continue reading Larken Rose on How Reality Has a Built-in Reward and Deterrent System