The RESTRICT Act is a potential new law that has bipartisan support and is backed by the Biden Administration to ban technology from countries deemed adversaries, including China. However, critics warn that it could be the final nail in the coffin of American freedom, as it could criminalize American-run websites, platforms, and blogs that merely disagree with the government regime on topics deemed to be in the National Security interest.
The Act would give the government the power to seize control of all websites, services, and apps, creating a massive surveillance and censorship police state, and individuals could face up to 20 years in prison for engaging in any activities that contradict the regime in power. Mike Adams, author of the mini-documentary urges viewers to take action against the Act and warns that, like the Patriot Act, it could eventually be weaponized against the people, posing a threat to human freedom in Western civilization.
In this section, a potential new law called the RESTRICT Act is discussed, which would allow the US government to potentially ban technology from countries deemed as adversaries, including China. The bill has bipartisan support and is supported by the Biden Administration, but critics warn that it is an Orwellian nightmare that would criminalize American-run websites, platforms, and blogs that merely disagree with the government regime on any topic deemed to be in the National Security interest.
The bill could allow for the removal of content deemed to pose an undue risk to the safety of US persons, including Christian content or any content that contradicts the regime in power, and individuals could face up to 20 years in prison for engaging in any of those activities.
In this section of the video, the RESTRICT Act is described as a way for the US government to exercise absolute tyranny over the American people. The Act would allow the government to seize assets and properties of those deemed in violation of the Act without any legal recourse or due process. FOIA (Freedom of Information Act) requests would be prohibited, preventing the public from obtaining the list of restrict act targets.
All websites, including e-commerce sites, could be confiscated, and total government control over cryptocurrency would be threatened. The Act would seize total control over the entire online economy, online speech, and online freedom.
This would include all e-commerce, all online banking transactions, payment systems, cryptocurrency, and more, making it an attempt to exercise power over the American people.
In this section, the transcript excerpt discusses the potential ramifications of the RESTRICT Act, which seeks to give the government the power to seize control of all websites, services, and apps, effectively creating a massive surveillance and censorship police state over all Americans.
The Act is said to be aimed at preventing election interference but would give the government broad powers to target and punish anyone who merely criticizes a Democratic candidate or even jokes about them. Individuals could face serious consequences, including having all their assets confiscated, and being silenced completely without due process. The transcript stresses the importance of defeating the RESTRICT Act to prevent the end of the Republic and human freedom in Western civilization.
In this section, Mike Adams urges viewers to take action against the Restrict Act, which is an initiative that he believes supports tyranny and poses a threat to the American people. He provides a list of Republican Senators who have shown support for this act, encouraging constituents in their states to register their opposition to it.
Mike Adams warns against the idea that the act is intended solely for use against the Chinese government, suggesting that, like the Patriot Act, the act will eventually be weaponized against the people. Mike Adams calls the act a danger to freedom and a tool for silencing and imprisoning millions of Americans who oppose tyranny.