Norman Dodd Interviewed on the Hidden Agenda for World Government

Norman Dodd Interviewed on the Hidden Agenda for World Government
Norman Dodd Interviewed on the Hidden Agenda for World Government

Step into a time machine and travel back to 1982 with G. Edward Griffin’s rare interview of Norman Dodd, an 83-year-old investigator for the Reece Committee.

This revealing interview exposes the infiltration of the New World Order by large corporations that are merging the USA into a world government. Dodd delves into the infiltration of banking and the public education system, providing an eye-opening perspective on how these systems operate.

As a member of the Reece Committee, Dodd has a wealth of knowledge on the subject of tax-exempt foundations and how they contribute to the New World Order.

Gain a unique insight into the political and financial landscape of the early 1980s and discover the truths about the New World Order’s influence on society.

Join G. Edward Griffin as he delves into this intriguing interview with a man who has spent his career uncovering the hidden agendas of the powerful elite.

Interview Summary

Norman Dodd, the former staff director of the Congressional special committee to investigate tax-exempt foundations in 1954, reveals in this video the collusion of the Carnegie Endowment, Ford Foundation, Guggenheim, and Rockefeller Foundation in controlling education in the United States.

He discovered in his investigation that the endowments aimed to alter American history by controlling education after World War I and approached the Rockefeller Foundation to handle domestic education while the international portion would be handled by the endowment.

The focus shifted after World War II to preventing a reversion of life in the United States to what it was before, and the key to their operations was the teaching of American history, which they attempted to alter.

The investigation was later accused of being anti-Semitic by the Republican National Committee, which was a false accusation, and the hearings were eventually terminated due to public outrage.


In this section of the interview, Mr. Norman Dodd introduces himself and explains that he was the staff director of the Congressional special committee to investigate tax-exempt foundations in 1954. He explains that his life’s interests have always revolved around the US and its original founding.

Having worked in manufacturing, international communication, and finally banking, Mr. Dodd was part of a major New York bank during the 1929 collapse, and during this time, his superiors asked him what the next steps were.


In this section, the speaker, Norman Dodd, talks about how he was assigned by his superiors to investigate banking policies and practices in the US, as they suspected something was not quite right. Dodd found proof that conflicting interests had been institutionalized in the banking industry since the end of World War I, which shocked him. His superior then offered him the opportunity to reorganize the bank in keeping with his own ideas, but Dodd resigned instead due to his conscience.


In this section of the transcript, Norman Dodd discusses his career in the financial world, including his resignation from a bank and subsequent difficulty finding work. He also talks about his specific interest in economics and desire to educate people about the dangers of speculative activities in the country.

Dodd then goes on to explain his role as Director of Research for the Reese Committee, which was tasked with investigating the activities of foundations to determine if they were un-American.


In this section of the video, Norman Dodd discusses his testimony to Congress regarding the activities of large endowed foundations in the past 40 years. He defined “unamerican” as any effort to effect unconstitutional changes in the country and explained how these foundations had influenced education in a way that moved away from the principles of the Constitution.

Dodd also speaks about his conversation with Rowan Gaither, the president of the Ford Foundation, who revealed that they had experience operating under directives that emanated from the White House and that they were currently operating under similar directives.


In this section, Norman Dodd recounts his experience with the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. After asking certain questions and requesting information from them via a letter, he was invited to come up to New York to discuss the matter further.

There, the president of the endowment, Dr. Joseph Johnson, offered to allow a member of Dodd’s staff to examine the foundation’s minute books since its inception, saying that they could answer all the questions and their counter-suggestion would be obvious from those minutes.

Dodd accepted and later picked a member of his staff who was initially unsympathetic toward the investigation to search the archives.


In this section, Norman Dodd recounts his conversation with Katherine Casey, who was tasked with reviewing 50 years of handwritten minutes from the Carnegie Foundation.

Casey discovers that in 1908, the Carnegie trustees discussed the most effective means of altering the life of an entire people to be war. In 1910, they aimed to control the United States government by taking over and controlling the diplomatic machinery of the country.

After the First World War, the focus shifted to preventing a reversion of life in the United States to what it was before. The trustees realized that controlling education in the United States was critical in this regard and approached the Rockefeller Foundation to handle domestic education, while the international portion would be handled by the endowment.

The key to the success of these operations, they believed, was the teaching of American history, which they attempted to alter but were turned down by the prominent teachers in the country.


In this section, Norman Dodd explains how the Carnegie Foundation, in collaboration with the Guggenheim Foundation and the American Historical Association, sought to influence American history education by forming a group of 20 historians to study and shape the direction of the country.

The study ultimately resulted in a seven-volume report, which concluded that the future of the country belonged to collectivism administered with American efficiency.

Dodd suggests that this story emerged from the minutes of the Carnegie fund, but it was never fully presented to Congress due to opposition efforts that began from the start of the committee’s work.


In this section of the video, Norman Dodd recounts how he and his counsel were ordered to visit Wayne Hayes, the ranking minority member of the Committee on Foundations and Tax-Exempt Organizations, who initially opposed the investigation as an effort to gain notoriety.

Despite counsel’s skepticism, Dodd convinced Hayes to support the investigation by relating to him the spread of communism and the Soviet world. However, adding a top-flight intelligence officer to Dodd’s staff resulted in the Republican National Committee and the White House attempting to stop Dodd from continuing the investigation in the direction Carol Reese had requested.


In this section, Norman Dodd explains how he was given permission to set up an independent aspect of the investigation outside of his own office, which was later opposed by the Republican National Committee and even appealed to the White House.

The committee accused him of being anti-Semitic, which was a false accusation since there was no evidence proving it. Their true intention was to halt the completion of the investigation, which would have exposed the collaboration of the Carnegie Endowment, Ford Foundation, Guggenheim, and Rockefeller Foundation in controlling education in the United States.

The hearings were eventually terminated due to the public outrage, and the charge of anti-Semitism remained a mystery as there was no basis for the accusation.


In this section, it is revealed that Colonel Lee Lorraine wrote a book called “Waters Flowing Eastward” that was a castigation of Jewish power in the world. However, he was dismissed from the staff due to the book’s anti-Semitic nature.

It is further revealed that the motivation behind the creation of big foundations such as Mr. Carnegie’s was to counteract the departure of the colonies from Great Britain, and not to establish collectivism.

But over time, the purpose and direction of the major foundations changed, and today, they firmly believe in collectivism, with the future belonging to this concept. The foundations support communist causes as they believe it represents a means of developing a monopoly that will be beneficial to them in the future.

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