Science, Pseudoscience, and Skepticism with Carl Sagan

Science, Pseudoscience, and Skepticism with Carl Sagan
Science, Pseudoscience, and Skepticism with Carl Sagan

The video is an interview with Carl Sagan, a renowned astronomer and science educator, about the importance of science and the dangers of pseudoscience and superstition. He discusses his latest book, “The Demon-Haunted World: Science as a Candle in the Dark“, which explores the growing fascination in the United States with pseudoscientific and supernatural beliefs that threaten to undermine true science.

Carl Sagan argues that scientific literacy is crucial in a society based on science and technology, and that without it, we risk a combustible mixture of ignorance and power that could have disastrous consequences. He also criticizes the lack of scientific education in politics and the government, as well as the influence of religion on scientific issues.

Sagan discusses the work of Dr. John Mack, a psychiatrist who believed in the reality of UFO abductions, and expresses his skepticism towards Mack and other belief systems that lack adequate evidence.

Lastly, Sagan briefly touches on the possibility of unknown species or animals, such as the Loch Ness Monster, but emphasizes the need for rigorous scientific evidence before accepting such claims.

This is the full interview of Carl Sagan’s last appearance on the Charlie Rose show. Sagan’s expertise as an astronomer shines through as he stresses the importance of scientific thinking and an open-minded approach to the unknown. This interview provides a valuable insight into Sagan’s views on science and society, making it a must-watch for those interested in these topics.

Bullet Points

  • Carl Sagan is a prominent astronomer known for his PBS series “Cosmos” and his book “The Demon-Haunted World: Science as a Candle in the Dark.”
  • The document discusses the United States’ and the world’s growing fascination with pseudoscience and superstition, which Sagan argues threatens to undermine true science.
  • Sagan is critical of religious fundamentalists who deny scientific facts in favor of faith-based beliefs.
  • Sagan believes that a lack of scientific education and understanding among the general population, as well as among lawmakers, is a dangerous trend.
  • The document also touches on Sagan’s personal experiences with hearing his deceased parents’ voices, but he believes they were the result of auditory hallucinations.

Carl Sagan Quotes

“One of the saddest lessons of history is this: If we’ve been bamboozled long enough we tend to reject any evidence of the bamboozle. We’re no longer interested in finding out the truth. The bamboozle has captured us. It is simply to painful to acknowledge, even to ourselves, that we’ve been taken. Once you give a charlatan power over you, you almost never get it back.”

~ Carl Sagan

In the given context information, Carl Sagan is discussing his concerns about the growing fascination with pseudoscience, superstitions, and fundamentalist zealotry, which he believes threatens to undermine true science. He argues that in a society based on science and technology, it is crucial for the general public to understand it and ask skeptical questions to avoid being taken advantage of by charlatans who use emotional force and belief in the absence of evidence to manipulate people.

The quote highlights one of the saddest lessons of history, which is that once people have been bamboozled or deceived for a long enough time, they tend to reject any evidence of the bamboozle and become captured by it. They are no longer interested in finding out the truth and acknowledging that they have been taken. This gives charlatans or those who use emotional force and manipulation power over people, which is difficult to regain once lost.

Sagan’s point seems to be that people must be vigilant about critical thinking and questioning in all aspects of life, especially with scientific claims, to avoid being gullible and susceptible to manipulation. It is essential to acknowledge the limitations of human knowledge and to seek evidence to support claims, rather than relying solely on belief or emotion. Failure to do so can lead to misguided decisions, both personal and societal, with long-term consequences.

“Better by far, to embrace a hard truth than a reassuring fable.”

~ Carl Sagan

In this quote, Carl Sagan is emphasizing the importance of accepting scientific evidence and knowledge that may be difficult to acknowledge rather than believing in comforting but baseless beliefs. He argues that rejecting evidence in favor of belief can be harmful, especially when it comes to decision making about societal issues that are based on science and technology.

Sagan sees science not just as a collection of established facts, but also as a way of thinking skeptically, asking questions, and accommodating to the universe’s reality rather than clinging to false beliefs.

He also warns against the danger of religious literalism, which can lead to ignoring scientific evidence in favor of dogmatic adherence to faith-based beliefs.

In this context, Sagan urges people to prioritize evidence-based hard truths over comforting but unsupported fables in order to make informed decisions and better understand the universe.

Let’s Sing Along

(Verse 1)

Carl Sagan was a star astronomer,
Bringing the cosmos to our living rooms,
His latest work was about pseudoscience,
Threatening to undermine true science.


Americans flunk science,
We need to understand,
Science and technology,
Propelling us forward.

(Verse 2)

He’s a professor of astronomy,
And director of planetary studies,
He’s a co-founder of Planetary Society,
A space interest group that’s the largest of its kind.


Americans flunk science,
We need to understand,
Science and technology,
Propelling us forward.


Science is a way of thinking,
Skeptically interrogating the universe,
We need to ask skeptical questions,
To prevent being duped by charlatans.


Americans flunk science,
We need to understand,
Science and technology,
Propelling us forward.

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